Friday, March 21, 2008

Lent is over, happy Good Friday

OK, so I have a theological debate on my hands here. Lent officially ended last night upon celebration of the Mass of the Lord's Supper on Holy Thursday. We then launch into the shortest of liturgical seasons - The Triduum (Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday). This begs the question - when can I have caffeine again...?

I've done my due diligence and it seems there are several ways to look at this:
1)Lent ended last night, so I am free of my obligation to give up caffeine
2)Today is Good Friday, a day of abstinence and fasting, so it would not be exactly in order to delve right back into my sacrifice on a day that should be directed towards suffering with Jesus

Oh, the Catholic torment I go through. This forum has interesting banter about just such topic:

I received my basis for the end of Lent from here:

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