Wednesday, July 8, 2009


It's been a long time. To all (three) of my followers. I apologize for that. Every now and again something happens in my life which is not meant for Facebook and requires a more thorough dialogue --> Blogger.

I found out today that my company is shutting down operations in Chicago entirely; dumping 40+ employees on the street. That's right, a company the size of about 30,000 could no longer foot the bill for our salaries and the rent for the office space. What a shame.

It's chilling how quickly this announcement takes the wind out of one's sails. You go from feeling like your efforts are kicking ass to wanting to kick someone's ass. It really is not fun.

I will be retained for a while to transition my knowlwdge to whoever is going to take on our jobs. It's going to be a rough road ahead. Lots to do.

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