Wednesday, October 14, 2009

You drink, you drive, I lose? revisted

It took 19 months, but our case finally settled and we have received our deductible back from our insurance company. What a nightmare that was. Three court visits and countless months all to get the money we were owed...

Friday, October 9, 2009

22 months

Here we are; October. I've been blogging for nearly two years now. Even though my posts have dwindled as I have been more of a facebook person, I still feel this is a valid place to share my thoughts. Motivation is lacking, I must admit. Back to my topic at hand. My little girl is 22 months old and we are already starting talk about a 2nd birthday party. Fun times. Let's recap where she has changed/grown since we last spoke.

-32 inches tall
-30-ish pounds
-picky eater; she has started becoming really picky about her diet while at home. Somehow, she eats everything on the menu at daycare. Go figure.
-she speaks the names of her classmates (Carter, Megan, Aiden) over and over...until she meets them face to face each morning. It's really funny to watch little ones interact at breakfast. They are in their own little worlds and just happen to be cohabiting the same space.