Monday, September 28, 2009

First dentist visit

Amanda had her first dentist appointment today. She is approaching two years of age and we heard that it would be a good idea since she has all her teeth now. Turns out, it wasn't such a good idea. I wasn't able to attend the appointment because, you know, I have a job. Well, I don't have a job for much longer, so in hindsight I should have been there. Either way, Katie filled me in on all the good details.

Amanda was friendly with him (after all, he is a pediatric dentist) and giving him high-fives right up to the point where he put on the latex gloves and mask. It all went sideways. She stopped smiling and locked her jaws. He was not allowed to check anything. DENIED!

The moral of this story is...wait until your child is three years of age. In the end, everyone parted ways with a good-natured laugh.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

21 months

Wow, today is 09-09-09 and Amanda is now 21 months old. 21 is not easily divisible by 9, but it is divisible by 3; and so is 9. Anyhow.

I failed to mention this in the previous months' posts, but we no longer have a need for gates on the stairs. She is able to go up and down without a problem at all. We let her roam the house freely and she has never had any falls or slips. I think she has a healthy respect for the stairs. She now weighs about 30 pounds and is 32 inches tall and is a proud member of the 30-30 club. She has almost outgrown our changing table.

New skills:
-Able to buckle herself into car seat
-She announces poop prior to its arrival
-She tries to produce on the portable potty
-Shoulder shrugging for no reason

I have to imagine she picks up a great deal of "ticks" from her daycare classmates. The shoulder shrugging is probably one of them. Her "parroting" skills are well refined and she can repeat most words she hears these days. That makes it extra tough to express one's self...

Friday, September 4, 2009

Momentum part 2

I am 8 weeks into my 16 weeks of being retained as an employee here at WNG. These two months have flown by. Since the announcement, 21 employees have been let go (in stages) and 3 or 4 of them have found a new job. I suppose that's uplifting. Three more are leaving today; including my manager. I have thoroughly enjoyed working with Don over the past 18 months and will miss his wit and supervisory skills. He taught me a great deal and I will take that with me.

Needless to say, morale in the office is at an all-time low and my workload is at an all-time high. I have pressures and deadlines and plenty to keep my occupied. I suppose that's better than the death sentence others have received where they have to sit at their desk and look for tasks to keep themselves occupied for 8 more weeks.

I plan to take Labor Day to finalize my resume so I can hit the ground running searching for new employment before I have to reach out to the government for the oh-so-tantalizing $375 a week unemployment pays.


I started using Craigslist as a buyer within the previous year. However, this past month marked my first foray into selling items on Craigslist. I have received a few responses to the items I have for sale, but the below is the most interesting e-mail I have received. Enjoy.


How are you doing today? Well i really thanks for your mail and i love the description of the item i wish to come and view the item and pay for it in cash but I'm very busy to do that right now.I'll like you to remove the advert from web and consider this item sold, I'll be paying via cashier check in US dollar.You will not be responsible for shipping or pick up of the item. where the shipper agent will come for the pick up at your location upon your confirmation of receiving my check after you have cash it in your Bank .I need your name to be on the check:

Physical Address:


city,: and Zip Code along with yours

phone number to overnight mail the check to you without any delay.

Thanks and waiting for your urgent reply today.

Best Regard
