Friday, September 4, 2009

Momentum part 2

I am 8 weeks into my 16 weeks of being retained as an employee here at WNG. These two months have flown by. Since the announcement, 21 employees have been let go (in stages) and 3 or 4 of them have found a new job. I suppose that's uplifting. Three more are leaving today; including my manager. I have thoroughly enjoyed working with Don over the past 18 months and will miss his wit and supervisory skills. He taught me a great deal and I will take that with me.

Needless to say, morale in the office is at an all-time low and my workload is at an all-time high. I have pressures and deadlines and plenty to keep my occupied. I suppose that's better than the death sentence others have received where they have to sit at their desk and look for tasks to keep themselves occupied for 8 more weeks.

I plan to take Labor Day to finalize my resume so I can hit the ground running searching for new employment before I have to reach out to the government for the oh-so-tantalizing $375 a week unemployment pays.

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