Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Commuting myths

"City commuting is easier than suburban commuting." I was sitting next to a young gal on the train this morning; I take Metra (http://www.metrarail.com/). She was on her cell phone talking to another young gal and she was very excited about moving into the city starting her apartment lease on October 1st. She was so glad to "not commute any more". I found that expression very intesting; interesting enough to write this blog entry. I have a bit of advice for her.

The CTA is marginally reliable at best. That statement comes from 7 years experience riding the CTA as a worker in the Loop and a bar-going 20-something on the nights/weekends. While the CTA may offer around-the-clock service, it certainly is not predictable. During your morning commutes, you will struggle to find a seat; I certainly never got a seat in the morning rush and rarely got a seat on my way home. That's par for the course.

Metra is very reliable and on time. Most importantly; you get a seat just about every time. That said, I've heard some stories floating around that during certain times of day on certain express trains to certain destinations, individuals are standing in the vestibules. However, that's never been me.

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