Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I'm trying this workout; running is getting old

Circuit One:
Air squats (20 reps) Feet shoulder-width apart, squat deeply with weight in heels.

Stationary lunge (15 per side) Hands on hips, feet staggered, slowly lower back knee until almost at floor level, then press up to straighten legs.

Core-band rows (15 reps) Wrap a resistance band around a post; bring handles in to ribs, elbows pointing back.

Bent-arm plank Hold a pushup 20 seconds,then bend elbows to lower body and hold for 10 seconds.

Circuit Two:
Side lateral lunges (12 per side) Step to right side; bend right knee 90 degrees. Repeat on left.

Core-band chest press (15 reps) Wrap band around post, turn away from post, extend both arms straight and shoulders height.

Chair dips (12 reps) Sit at chair’s edge, hands outside hips; slowly lower and raise body.

V sits Raise arms and legs into a V position, balancing on tailbone. Hold 45 seconds. Rest. Repeat.

Circuit Three:
Fit-ball hamstring curls (15 reps) On your back with heels on a fitness ball, lift hips off floor into plank position. Pull ball toward you, then push back.

Knee pushups (12 reps) Lower chest while sliding shoulder blades back and down toward spine.

Core-band tricep extensions (15 reps per arm) Stand on one end of a resistance band, grab the other end; with band behind you, extend arm up overhead. Using elbow as a hinge, lower hand down toward back, then up to full extension.

Rotational oblique crunches (10 reps per side) On floor, put right hand behind head and extend left leg straight from hip. Crunch right elbow across and draw left knee in.

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