Thursday, October 25, 2007

Origins of "The Bun Maker" moniker

So I went Halloween costume shopping. I'm not that into Halloween, not sure why. I've decided to give it a go (have to show up to company party with costume - "highly recommend"). So I'm at a mega store (some old bookstore in a strip mall that went under) and I am desperate for something that impresses. I'm not interested in ghouls and gobblins, etc. and this is my third store looking for something interesting. I thought about being "Neo" from the Matrix, but it just didn't seem right...

Until I found the one that really hit home - "The Bun Maker". It's a simple costume, really. It has an apron and a chef's hat (the big, puffy, white kind). On the apron, it reads "The Bun Maker". On the package it reads, "Goes well with 'Bun in the Oven' lady's costume". My wife is prego and could deliver our first child any day now.

She's currently home on a Dr.-ordered leisure lifestyle which means she needs to try to do very little and stay horizontal. A dream, right? Wrong. Give it some thought and it's really like a death sentence. Sure, you get to stay home, but do what? She cannot cook, clean, go for a walk, clean house, shop, etc. You get my point. Anyway, back to the costume.

I really clicked with the silly $30 costume and bought it. I hope the folks at work *get* it. And that's how I came up with my blog name.

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