Thursday, November 6, 2008

Politics brings out the worst in me

Is the election over? Do we have a new president? It's a miracle I participate in the democratic privilidge of voting because I hate everything associated with politicians, their empty promises and what it all represents.

At work, we have a group of people at voted for Obama and have now stooped to brow-beating Palin because they heard that in some interview she didn't know this or that about NAFTA... Who f-ing cares? Sarah Palin lost; the "people" have spoken. Is there a need to prove over and over again that she may or may not have been qualified for VP (what other VP has been so researched and hammered on?) or the right move for McCain's campaign?

I just got in a verbal throwdown with four colleagues because they would not shut up about bashing Palin. I just had enough. I stood up and asked if the election were over and asked them to talk about something else. It was not a discussion, it was character-bashing. Get over it, move on. Crap; I'm still heated up over it.

I should have just kept my mouth shut and sat there. But, you know me, I have to speak my damn mind. When am I going to learn?