Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Fine line

Hmmm, I like to think that I don't get too stressed out or take things to seriously at work. After all, health, friends and family are far more important. Recently, I find myself hypersensitve to anything that can go wrong within our environment and more difficult to get along with. I'm always on edge.

We are in the middle of a data center migration and anyone that is involved in IT in even the most peripheral role knows that this is a very tricky thing to do. It's particularly tricky when the "product" we are trying to move is completely custom code and takes months if not years to really know all the bits and pieces and how they interact.

Luckily, we have and ace on our staff. Gabe puts in long hours and complains very little. He's the man behind the curtain and I hope he's able to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Times are rough for all of us. We've got a handful of manual processes to do each day because certain projects were launched before they could be supported or automated. So, the automation becomes a human. But at what cost?

All these distractions are just that; distracting. We spend more time hand-holding instead of focusing on making our product better and more supportable. I guess that will come with time. Once this tunnel ends and we do see the sun shine again, we can start pressing for improvements. Until then, we monkey though it and take the knocks.

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