Sunday, May 4, 2008


Today, I watched the recent remake of my beloved "Dukes of Hazzard". It wasn't very good or true to the original premise of the wildly popular TV series from the early 80's. Sad.

They portrayed Bo and Luke to be NASCAR-loving morons who only happen to solve situations that they got themselves into by happenstance.

Jessica Simpson, while not the best choise for Daisey, certainly got herself into teriffic shape for the role and was rewarded with at least 7 T&A scenes. That was mildly entertaining. I'm glad I didn't pay money to see it in the theater...

I could not get over the casting of "Mr. Friendly" from LOST as Roscoe. "We're gonna have to take the boy".

Burt Reynolds as Boss Hogg also seemed odd. I was waiting for "The Bandit" T-Top TransAm to make an appearance. There certainly was plenty of CB radio use, however.

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